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Stan Jenkins's Take it slow and easy man. Don't rush or you fail. Just do it! =D

Yeah~! April 11th is the day a little someone was born. This little someone live in Malaysia. And desperate to fly! =D
The CLAN Man Utd Youtube Nike Football Hayley's
Friday, December 18, 2009,6:54 PM
Nick? Pub!

Awhile after arriving at Sabah. (Awhile I mean at night,=p) Went to Damai to have a dinner with Koko Mington. We ate at a cool place called "Maple cafe" (When I said Maple I don't mean Maple Story. Its just a place named after Maple.) I ate Honey Chicken Rice. Mum ate fish. Koko ate Garlic Bread only. Onna a diet and he not sooooooooo hungry~!

And Guess who I saw??? I saw Nicholas. Small world heh? Great seeing you again. =D
Then went back home. Picked Ant.Penny
Balik Rumah Tidur.

Next day. Went to Cyber X at Damai with Ian and Aldrish. At thr. Chatted with Kelvin on msn. Appearantly he is in Australia. Wow? Cool!
We spent RM17.50 and almost 8 hrs inside thr.
After that. Mummy picked me. Then went makan at someplace I don't really recall.
There. We ate with Koko Mington and Ant. Selena and Felicia.

Lepas tu~, Koko brought me to Bundusan to see Dad.
P.S He owns a "small" Coffee Shop/Restaurant named Star Rossa and a Bar/Pub named Star Pub(I think)
We talked. Then he asked me whether I want anything to eat. I said no cuz i full dy.
Then 10 mins ltr, a waitress came out and serverd me a bowl of Bak Kut Teh. I said
I said I nowanna. Then Papa toke the rice and ask the waiter to gimme a empty bowl.
So he ate the rice with d bak ku teh.
I just ate the meat n drink d soup.
It tastes AWESOME~!

While waiting for mummy. I went in to Star Pub.
Got 1 coool very nice decoration.
Got lights 1. Damn Cooool
And almost all the staff know me. Except for da DJ that worked at the Pub.
And the english songs are modern and need 3 files to write all the english songs.
Plus still got other files contains
Bahasa Malaysia
Kadazan. =0

Then mum picked me up to goooo see Uncle Rene(Hw spell? I dunno)
Chit chat for a lil while. Then he said he bring us to go see Uncle. Richard working at the Soho Pub.
I just sit there and played QuadraPop on my Sony phone.

Woke up. Makan Kuay Chap at some place I forgotten the place name.
But its a usual place.
Then went to Cyber X with Ian and Aldrish again.
Yesterday we played Left 4 Dead 2, Cod 4, DotA, Worms Mayhem,Quake 4 n more that i could not remembered.
Today. We play COD4 again. DotA. Battlefield 2.
Today played for 6hrs. Only RM4.50.Why?
I did the member.
RM 1 for each hour.

Then we went to BURGER KING to makan. All cost almost RM36.
We payed with my RM50. They payed me back RM12 each.
Now just finished makan at Ant.Tracy hse.
Currently watching BLEACH.
Starting from episode 29.

BYE! =p

So to the people reading this. How was your HOLIDAY??? =D
10 previous posts
SABAH!Last day schul...=) or =(?SMILE =) SMILE =) SMILE =)Sale Sale Sale to all Girls/Ladies : )Finally!Its Alright Its Ok by Ashley TisdaleDREAM!!!WakaWakaBooom!Michael Bolton - Murder My Heart12/10/09
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